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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  February 12, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EST

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,3think twice.. before packing your lunchhwhat's wrong with this leaa cuusine meal... that &has the manufacturer saying.. don't eet it! -3 3 (sot: ariel manacher)"i ammthhe & first owner, and i will be the owner."and... get small tthgns &&pfixed.. before thy become a big problem.four ooher things pouucan do to make sureeyour ccr... tops 200--thousand piles. 3 3 tuesday, ffbruary 12th 3 3
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3 3 3&p we are following breaking news this morning... of a deadly shooting in college park.we're told it happened just after 1 o'clock thii morringgon 36th avenue... -3 riggt near uunverritt boulevard.that's ight off tte univerrity of maryland ccmpus. a policc spokeswooan tweeted suicide bbt we are orking to confirr thht report.we're told a tan honda odyssey.we will updatt you with the latest... & as ore details come iito our newsroom. 3 balttmore ity police make an arrest after a woman is found
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&pdead in a house ire.police ssy she wassmurdered. murdered.megaan illiland is live from the scene inn northwest baltiiore with tte lateet oonthe suspected killer and how he aalegedll knee his viitim. 3 good morning guys,eeare livee on high gatt drive at sulgrave & avenue.inside thhi charred hooe... police made a gruesome & discovery... fiiding the body of jennifer cooyers.they pelleve shee as killed t the hands oo onte carter. ccrter.police say tte two met on n onlinnedating website months ago.conyers was an h-i- -33 v outrrech worrer with the city'sshealth depaarment. but her accused killlr... was a - man with a criminal issooy... that accorddng to online court records, includes burglary, drrg and theft charges. (guglielmi) "i mean, i don't but an animal behind for.. n absoluteey egregious murder of someoneewwo dedicated her life to helpiig others."(ms. - straahan/neighbor))"it doesn't matter if we knewwhhr orrnot,
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somebody died... aad ittwasn't like it waa natural auses.. pomebooy aatuaaly murrered her." her."police fouud 32-year oll 3 with electrical corrs and papp. investigators say she was beaaen and ddrgged intoo the basement... and murderedd - byymonte carter.detectives say he stole her car and a-t-m ppotted arter in west baalimore driving coonerrs &pphite mustang.when they caught &pcovered nn lood. 3 what carter admittee too in northwest -& baltimore, i'm megan giililand, fox45 morning news. & he mayor layssout her ppan... to avoid sendiig baltimore over its own fiical cliif.3 week warned that the city -3 pould rrck up 750--illion -3 dollars n deficits over the 3 politiciins cut costs and raise reveeues.yesterday... address... mayor stephanie rrwlings-blake promised major changes to the city's finances
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- to avoid anyyfuturr probbems. petirement plan for all city & workers... inccuding police and ffreeighters.she says he cost of outdatee benefits... city's budget. p3 channg.">the mayor also plans by ten percenn over the next peccde...and she's considering new trash pickup fee... too raise revveuee. 3 a vote is scheduled today... toonominate chuck hagel as secretary f efense. & deffnse.despite a nomination - hearing... the former republican senator from neeraskk is expected to win - confirmatioo. hagel has come underrfire bb mmmbers of his oww party... for commentsshe sanctions against ran while a packees inttrrupt a news broadcast in montann... to - warn viewers bouu a zombie apocolyyse.accorriig to k---t-
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& v... haakers lerted vveeers &pthhttquote "dead bodies are rrsing frommtheir graves" in several mmntanta counties... and to not aaproach them.the station says there is no emergency... and that investigaaing the situationn 33 today is "fat tuesday" and the beginning of mardi gras. gras.partierr are already pillinngbourbbn stteet in the 3 3 ravees fans 3 ptill riding thattsuper bowl pigh can eel tte magic of that nnw orleaan game a littlee -3 bbt loogerr plnger. buu you doo't have o go backkto thh bayou to experiencc mardi grrs....
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p33 joelld. smith is grace to see how that town is creating a tradition of its own when it comes to fat tuesdayy good morning joel d...... why mardi gras in havre de grace? grace? 3 3 3 3
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3 the b-more returns to altimore.... saturdaa, ffbruary 233d. 23rddyou can getthealth screenings....see 3 stages of &pálivee entertainment... a fit and fun kidss one... and much
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much more. more.tte b-more healthy expo starts aa 10 a-m at the baltimore convention center. 33 3 commng up... 3 roads ii coonecticut... continue to be a headachhefor privers... after last week''sbbizzzrd. blizzard.why many f them wwn'ttbb cleaaed of snow... pntil áfriday.á 3you're watccing 3 fox 45 morning you'rr watching fox 45 morning you're watching fox 5 morning youure watchhngg fox 45 mornnng news.. all loccl.. all morning. 3 ((bump out)) p3
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[ boy ] eggo! [ female announcer ] eggo waffles are a great way to get your family together for breakfast. in fact, they might work too well. [ ding! ] [ shuffling, scooting ] [ clears throat ] [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] golden, crispy outside. warm and fluffy inside. we are one good-looking family. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. she makes things fun. she can be silly, which embarrasses my sister, but i love it. sometimes she lets us pick out stuff we love, like sunnyd. she likes that it has vitamin c,
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b1, and 40% less sugar than most regular soda brands. my brother doesn't care about that. he just loves the taste. so do i. ♪ make today a sunny day. ♪♪ 3 sprrad love bb ssopping.the shops offruxton station is
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3 proceeds to a good causs. cause.emily gracee ii streammng nowwfor this morniigg hometown hotspot.- tell us aboot the evenn?- why was i important tt hoss an event like thhi?- what are -3 somethings that are on sale? -3 sale? & 3 3 shop ii the name , 3 shop in the name shop n the name of love is shop in tte name
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3 of love is wednesday feeruury &p13th 10:00 a.m. - 8::0 p.m. at -3 theeshops of ruxton stttton.. to leaannmore log on tt fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 3 3
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3 3 comiig up... a recall today... invvoving a popuuar lean &pcuisiie meal.ww'lllteel you 33 and what to do if you bought one. 3 plus... whh americans could soon be drinking mountaai dew... with their morning bowl of're watching foo 45 mornnng news...all local.. all morning. happy valentine's day. i never knew he liked me. we'd have to keep it quiet. or we could just tell h.r. happy valentine's day. it would never work. try the new brownie batter donut.
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get any six donuts for $3.99. america runs on dunkin'.
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she's in a meeting, could you call back in 15? -- not now. nope, no. sorry, love to but can't. i'm sorry, she's very busy. enjoy the rich taste of dunkin' mocha lattes and coffees. now in dark chocolate. indulge in one today. america runs on dunkin'. 3 3&p new this orning... a
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recall todayy.. involving lean cuisine meals.the company is warning consumerssthat itss "mushroom mmzzaluna ravioli" may contain fragmentt of glass. & nestle is urging consumers to ánotá eat the product... and to contacc the company's consumer services. services.we'veeposted the phone number and email address & to our website.just go to fox baltimore dot com slash - porning. 3 a local traffic bannii still in effect for the town of bridgeport, onneeticut... following lass eek'ssblizzard..- that's because 110 roads are - impassible right now.. .andd snow trucks can't ggt out there until later this week. 3 its way froo illinois and &pennsylvania... s well as other states.but residents say... the ccean-up is takkng too lonn. by friday??we're at the beginninn of the week. a lot - of people need to get to work.-butt to-because people left tteir vehicles in the road, we're operating at about 50% proficiency. proficiency.the head of bridgepoot schools says hii
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back to sccool. schools have already beee closed for 2 days... and will remain closed at llast through theesuperintendent has askee & he teacher's union tootake that break away... so the kkds don't have to miss ouu on any &pmorr chool.. 3 pove over coffee... moontain dew is marketing itself as tte latest in breakfast drinks.the company says it's rrlliig out a new fruit-flavored beverage called "kickstart"... that's aa mix between juice and the popular offees 92- milliggrmm offcaffeine... for aa16-ounce can.that'ssmmuh lees than an energy drink... or a cup of offee. mountain dew kickstart is set to hit &stores febrrary 25th. 3 toddy is fat tuesday and you know what that means. it's tte start of mardi gras. at tueeday is tradittonal cellbrated on tte & daa before ash wednesday .... which marks the beginning of christiinn. p3 commng up...
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we've got your chance to win 200-dolllrs are part of oor "freebruary" contest. 3 just enter your name by going to facebbok dot com sllsh foo baltimorr..hee listen n for your name... less than 15 minutes from now..- 3&pshe was crring anddstuff and said theyyhhve no powee,,they &phave no running water, they have no way to se thh bathroom. bathhoom. and latee... a - nightmare vacation for thousaads of cruise ship passsngers.the malfunction... local.. all morning. 3 ((breek 3))
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this is so sick! i can't believe your mom let you take her car out. this is awesome! whoooo! you're crazy. go faster! go faster! go faster! go faster! no! stop...stop... (mom) i raised my son to be careful... hi, sweetie. hi, mom. (mom) but just to be safe... i got a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru.
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3 - 3 ((bump in)) 33 a former mmmber of navy seal teem six is breaking his silence... aboutttheemay, 2011 raid that killed osama bin -3 lawrrnce hassthe story. 3 3 who shht ossma bin ladee, and ow did he die? we thoughh we knew. from accounts of the reel raid..."the united states has conducted an operation phht kiiled osama bii laden." 3 an esquire magazine interview with a membbr of the seal teamm is aisinn new queesiins: about whht happened on ttat third floor of bin laden's compounn.. squire simply cclls him "the shooter." and says he
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fired the shots that killed binnladen. "he was very unused -&pto this idea f shooting up, ss he wasn't ppepared for sooebody quiie as tall, bbn laden was muuh taller that he expected, so he talks about -33 havinggto aim iisgun up." thee shooter says afterrhis point mannshot and miised frrm the -3& 2nd level, bott mee climmed phe ssaiis to bin laddn's bbdroom. as the point man -3 peeled off in the hallway to subdue two of bbn laden's -screeming wwies,,the shooter entered the room.'there was &pbinnladen standinngthere..he haa his handd onna wommn's ssoulderr, pushing herraaead. not exactly toward me, but by me ...maybe as a shield, don'' know. he's got a guu on &pa shelf right theee, the short ak he's famous ffr.'"he shot him in the forrheaddand anothee timeein the fooehhad as he was going down and hen a hirddtiie in the forehead whee he waa at the foot of his -3 bed obviously probably alreaay dead."but thhttaccount conflicts wwth another seaa on the raid, who spoke with 60
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-3 minutes last yearr"youure yepp i'm kiida trying to look arouud him. hear him take a ccuple ssots. kind of see a head - somebody ddsappear back into tte room."ii his book, matt bissonnette says when &pthey entered the beeroomm binn laden waa down on the floor alrradyydead..quote, "the & the right side f his head." cnn can't vvrify either story. & buu our sourcessssy the credible, and thaa bin adee & was alive and standdng when the seals entered the room. o why come forward now? beeause &ppresiddnt obama ot accolades for authorizing the ission. bbssonnette's bookk it the bestsellerrlist. and zero dark thirty raked in millions and awards.but the shooter & and struggling to fill a disability claimm "he ets no pensionn zero pension." 3 the shooter got out of the
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military four years havv to o 20 to get the -3 pension.also... he volunteered forrthe seal training. 3 ccming up... 3&pbecome a part of history.whhre yoo can go... to submit your name ideassfor pluto's moons. 3 ((joel live teese)) you'rr waachhng ffx 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3 p(break 4))
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hey, what are you drinking? i'm drinking dunkin'. i'm drinking dunkin'. i'm just in love with the flavor. i get mine black. i don't want to take away from that pure taste. so smooth, no bitterness. it's awesome. there's no other taste like it. america runs on dunkin' coffee. reducing sodium in yourrdiet. the impresssive way itt already saving lives. on fox -3 45 news at fiie.3 &p3
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3 p3 3 it's our free-bru-ary giveaway! & giveaway!every day in february we're ggiing away 100- dollars an hour. hour. 3 óóóóóóóyou have 30 minutes to call us at the number on your screen. screen.if you don't calllin.. your prizz rolls over into the next houu for sommonn else to win! win!to get your name in the poo.. go to facebook dot com out can also gg there to read complett contest rules.
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p 3 &
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3 shawan map[ 3 3 we are following -&pof a murderr suicide ii college park. 3 o'clock this morning on 36th
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aaeeue... right off thee university of maryyand campus. roommates... and when two of fire in the basement... the third roommate shoo of them died... the ooher ii -3 at tte hospital witt non- & lifethreateninn injuries. police say the shooter then went nno the bbckyard ann shot himself.we wll update 3&pdetailsscome into our newsroom. 3 ppoice say a wooan ffund dead inside a northwest baltimore house fire... was murdered. this morring... an arrest has beennmade. made.megan gilliland is llvv -3&pfrom the crime scene with more on the suspected kiiler and 3 good morninggguyswe are live & on high gate drivv t sullrave avenue.detectives say they were alertee by theefirr depaatment of a sussicious death... inside thisshome. homee 3 on friday... police found &p32-yearrold
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jennnfer conyers tied up with electricallcordss and ttpe. innestiiators say -3 she was beaten and dragged into he bbsementt.. and murdered by monte ccrter. detectivvs say he stole her car and a-t-m caad.on saturday... police spotted carter in west baltimore whhn they caught up with in blood. 3(guglielmi) "he aamitted to partying witt a friend and abussng drugs... taking ms. conyers' personal effects and ultimately coming back and allegedly killing her." 3 policc say carter met conyers website months ago.conyers was an h-i-v outreach wooker with she was 322-ears-olddaccording to nline court records... ccrter as priors... ncluding burglary, drug and theft &pcharges. this morning,,he'' being held
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and seeond degree mmrder and robbery.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. 3 we'll soon hear the first-hann account of the alabamm hosttae situationn.. by the little boy himself. helddhostaae in an underggound bunker... for nearly week. the f-b-iirescued him last a mission thht ended withh is hostage taker, jimmy lee dykes, dead.ethan will appeaa alongside his 3 tomorrow. -3 3 a five day cruiie to tte caribbean turns innooa disaster for passengerr on bbard afttr a ffre left the ship strrnddd. over the weeeend the carnival cruise ship caught fire in the ship's engine 3thousand peoppe stuuk at ea.. the fire was extinguished quickly... but pf the ship were far frrm 3&pshe was crying and tuff and -3 said they have no power, they have no running water, they have no way to use the bathroom.
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bathrrom.other carnival cruise liinrs met the stranded vvssee to brrng food ann supplies. the shippii now being towed to alabama. wanted to name a planet? well now's yyur chaace & tt do the next best thinn. 3 the sett- institute is asking for the publlc's help in naming two recennly piscoverrd moons orbiting -3& planet pluto. scientiss are sking youuto submit ideas for names that will be offered to the -33 international astronomic - union.... who makes the final deciiions on naming staas and planets. to enter we've had 3 plenty of purple fridays... pso how do we cellbrate "fat tuessay"? tuesday"? mardi gras &pbeeins today, anddjoel d. & smith ii streeming now in 3 preearing for a celebration that's ecoming a maayllnd 3 joel d.
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3 3 3 3 &p
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3 tth b-more 3 baltimore... saturday, february 23rr. can get health ssreenings... see 3 stages of álivee entertainment... a fit & and fun ids zone... and much muuh more..- ssarts aa 10 a-- at the &pbaltimore convention center. we'll ee you there! 3 coming up... 3 president obama is ust hours pway from ddlivering his &pfirst state f theeuuion address... of his second term. term.aalook at the issues... hh's expected to cover. 3 3 you're atthing fox 5 morning news.. ll local.. all
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3 3 ((ad lib meteerologgit)) 3 &p33
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3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3-
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3& coming up.... 3 north korea is making - headdines north korea is north -3 korea is makiig headlinee 3 another nuclear bomb teet.what threat... some ay... it pooese tt the u-s. -3 3 and pope beneditct tte 166h ressgns... leaving many with questions.what weere now learning... about is're watchiin fox 45 morning news.. all -3 3 ((break 66)
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3 p3 nee this mornnnn... north koreaahas conducted & its third nnclear bomb test today.... the latest step inn wwapons. officiill say this test wws more poweerul than earlier blasts... but the device was smaller n size anddlighher. experts say the country s faa prom aving a nuclear-armed 3 the u-ss
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3 the rrsignatton of pope benedict the 16-th has pump-started an ancient and secreeive process tt replace spokesmannannounced thht there will be a nee pope by easter.... march 31-st. but the 118 members of thh college of cardinals will &pnot meet until tte pope -3& officially steps downnaa the whaa will be missing with this & pope'ssresignation is the period of mournnig and reflection that ttkes lace when a pope ddes. so its unclear whetherrthe cardinals will immediately gathherand o intooconccave or take a few days to get into the ood for electing a pope. 3 president obama delivvrsshhs fourth state of the union address tonnght beforr -3 congress..thh whiteehouse has said this is act tww from whht 3 address. -3 3 rrne marsh joons us live from washhngton, dc with a preview of what we can expect tonight. & 3 --rene on cammra-- the statt of the union is a presidentts & chaace to lay out his priorities in front of congresssand in front of the - ameeican
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ppople. --vo-- on thurrday, the presideet gavv deeocrats a preview of some of the areas where he will ffcus his speechhtonight -- & ppecifically -- the economy house says tte speech will &pperve as a bookend to his 3&pthe president mmy also talk aaout immigration reform, gun violence, gay rights, & education, and omenns rights. we couud lso see a pushhtoo deal ith issues like the & environment. presidential matter s much as the language state offthe union may be the exception. that's because pvery word is ooten debaaed. --rene oo camera-- theespeech begins tonight at 9pm 1) ww haae sooe clles about what the prrsident plans, but
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what do ammriccns say they want toohear from the - p3 that brings ussto , 3 our question f the day.whaa do you hope the presiddnt says & during his state offthe union - addresss we'll take your calls in our 7 o'clockkhour. you can also go to 3 us wat you think... sound off through facebook or send us a 3 ccming up... get small thigns fixed.. before thy become a bii problem. "" am the irsstowner, ann will be the lass owner.""- owner."four other things ou
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can do to make sure your - car... tops 200- thousand miles. you're watching foxx 45 morning news.. all local..
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3 3 ((bump in)) 3 these days... peopll are looking for any way to stretch a dollar. one wwy an be & holding onto yyur car lonner. today... the aaerage vehicle has been on the rood neerly 11 yyars... according to polk &presearch. connumer repoots can help ou go the distance... 3 bucks! 3& (sot: ariel manacher)"i am the first wner, and i will be the lasttowner."(v/o)when ariel manachhr bouuht his toyota camry back in 1996... he never imagined hittiig 226-thouuand miles!(sst: ariel maaacher)"i didn't know it would get this far, but it did, aad we're pleased..(v/o)liza brth... consumer repoots' auto exxert... says peopleeoften aae not aware offtheelong-term financial bbnefits offkeeping
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2000thousand miles, whicc & takee the average driver about 15 ears, you could pooentially save mmre than & 30-thousann ollaas."(v/o))- pirst... you eed to shop foo ssre it fits your lifestyle and don't compromiie on features, especiallyysaaety peatures, like electronic stability control and a rear-view camera, if you can &pggt ii." (v/o)and be sure you ick a vehicle with a reeiable track recorrd.. like ariel's ttyota amry.then stick to the maintenance schedule in your owner's manual. missing even one oil premattre engine wear.((oo: liza barth)"but don't wastt money oo aantenance you doo't need. many vehicles can go 10,,00 milee versus 3,000 miles on an oil change."(v//) also... don't skimp on parts. trying toosave a couple of bucks on cheap aars and fluids could cost you in the lonn run.and like ariee manacher... listen or any strangg sounds and get small things fiied beffreethey ariel anacherr""he car starts eeeey dayy and that's what youu peally want in a caa. you want
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to get ii ittaad goo you don't want to worry about it." 3 coming up innour 7 o'clock hour... 3if your name is kim aaen... -& you have less tthan5 minutes - tt call.. to claimmyour 3- & hhndred ddllar prizz... ass contest.if yoo don't....the jackpot grows to 4-hhudred dollars.tte enter your name.... - just go o facbeook dot comm - 33 ((joee live tease)) 3 you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all loccl.. all 3 ((break 8))
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this is my friend diane. she's played by the rules her whole life. but then the rules flew right out the window. having just lost her husband she stepped up and adopted her three grandkids, while working full time and caring for her brother eddie, with cerebral palsy. i get the three children up. i walk andrew at eight i drop olivia off at eight thirty. spend a few minutes at emilio's school. i stop at the grocery store, and then i might do some laundry that has to be done. and then i have about five minutes. the baby sitter comes in and then i go to work. i'm not back home again until 11:30 at night. hard as she works, it's still a struggle to keep up with the bills and stay warm at night. when we asked the biggest oil companies to help families in need only citgo, the people of venezuela and president hugo chavez responded. thanks to them, citizens energy is able to deliver millions of gallons of fuel to families just like diane's. i'm joe kennedy. if you need help staying warm this winter call me at 1-877-joe-4-oil. because no one should be left out in the cold!
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new honey bunches of oats greek yogurt and whole grain. here we go. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek.
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3 police say leaadtoothe ssootiigg 3 &3 aad.. there's a one ii five chance your credittreport contains a major mistake.whht you ccn do today tooclean it up. 3 -inner harbor-sun rising
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3 tuesday, feeruary 12. 3 3 3 p3 3
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3 3 3 we arr following breaaing news this morning... college parkk're lookiig at the &ppouse.. where police say the -3 incident occuued.ii happened justtafter 1 o'clock his mooning n 33thhavenue... right off the unnversiiy of maryland campus.police say threeeroommates live here... and wwen wo of them went to investigate a fire in the basement... the third roommate shot them.we're now learniig... the suspect was a three were of them -3 died... the other issat the hossital with nonn lifethreatening injuries..--3police say the shooter then went iito the backyyrd aad shot himself.we will update you with the aaest... as more & detaals come into our newssoom. 3 bbltimorr city police make an
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arrest after a woman is found dead in a house fire.police say she was murdered. murdered.mmgan gillilann iss live from the scene in northweet baltimore with the laaest on the suupected killer and how hh allegedly knew his &pvictim. 3 ggod morning guys,we are livee avenue.inside this charredd home... police made a gruesome discoverr... finding he body believe she was killed at the hands of monte carter. carter.policeesay theetwo met on an online datinggwebsite months ago.conyersswas an h-i- &pvvoutreech worker with the city's health department. butt her accused killer... was a -3 man with a criminal history... that 3 according to onlinn court recordss innludes burglary, prug and thefttcharges.
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(guglielmi) "i mean, i don't know wwat else to caal him, put an animal behind fr.. an absoluuely egregious murder of - someonee hoodedicated her ife strachan/nnighbor) "it doesn't maater if we knew her or not, ptts the simpleefact thaa somebody died... and it wasn't like it wassnattral cauues.. -3somebody actually murdered her." her.""olice found 32- 3 year old jjnnifer conyers... tiee up with electtical cords -& nd tape. investigators ssy she was beatennand dragged && nto the basemeet... and murdereedby monne carter. detectives say eestooe her car and aat-m card.on saturddy... police ssotted carter in west baltimore driving conyer's whiteemustang. when they caught up with him... they say he was covered in blood. what cartee admitted to &ppolice... coming up in 300 minutes.livv in nnrthwestt baltimooe, i'm megan - gilliland, fox45 morning news. 3 three eople are deed... including the alleged & gunman... after a shooting at a ddlawareecourttouse. couuthouse. it happened &pin the lobby of the nee castle -3 county courrhouse in wwlmington monnay morring. there are reports that the
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suspected shooter killed his estranged wiff and another - woman before taking his ownn mann ot a call from 3 she was there to serve n a jury. "she was like 'i'm scared, i'mm - scared, they're shoooiig, they're hoooing.' and i aidd &p'what happenee?' and she told me that they're shooting iin the courthouse and theyyree & hiding in this rrom and i asked ii there wwre any cops arounddand she said a cop in the hallway nd then she hhng upp ss i left work o ccmeehere." &phere." two pplice officers were urt in the gun -3 battle.they're expected to be 3 norrh korea says thhy've conducted it's third nnclear bomb test... and they saa it was thiee most powerful blast yet. &pyettthis timee they ay ... it - was smmaler aad lighter.the p-s ggological survey did reporr a seismic event near -&&pthe sste of north korea'' tww 3& warned it planned new 3 range a statement,presiddnt ooama... & says the ct is unnnervinn and is calling for action by the
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&pinternational communitt. the united natiins securrty council is expected to hold aan emergency meeting at 9 o'clock --3 this morning. -3 3 we hve a problemm..but thhre are solutions gabbb giffords and herr-3 husband mark kelly are control. the ad released take actioo on stticter gun control aws. 3 wiie support for legislation - on universal background checks. the former ccngresssoman was severrly &pinjured in shooting rampage -&pat a olitical event in arizzna two yeaas agg. 3 today is "fft tuesday" and the beginning of mardi gras. gras.partiers are alrrady & filling bourbon street in the big easy!you're looking live...
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33 3 live... you're looking live... 3 ravens fanssstill riding pthat super bowl high can feel - the magic of hat new orleaas 3 today is "fft tuesday" and the - begiining of mardi gras. -3 gras. buu you don't have to go back to the bayoo to &ppxppriencc it all.... 3 jool . smithhis grace to see how thatttown is - creating a tradition of its own whhe it cooes to mardi &gras. good morning joel d...... wwy mardi gras in &phavre de gracc? -3 grace?
7:09 am
3 pptriik sypoltdan tracey & 3 3 ,3
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3 the jackpot stands at 400--ollars! & pollars!ttat visa ggft card all over it!!e're drawiig another name... n less than 30 & minutee ! ! you're watthing fox 44 morning ews.. ll local.. all morning. 3 ((break 1))
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♪ ♪ ♪ oh-oh-oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ sometimes ♪ ♪ i get a good feeling ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ get a feeling that i never never, never, never had before ♪ ♪ no, no, i get a good feeling ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] all this... only on royal caribbean. ♪ ♪ book by february 15th and get up to $400 to spend onboard. call 1-800-royal-caribbean
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3 3
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3 3 3 one lucky couple is getting married friiay... and you get po decide the details oo theirrweddiig! wedding!it's our edding in a week contest.starring aa 9 - this
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mooniig....go tooour website fox baltimore dot com to vote for which bouquettour bride erica will carry ddwn tte aislee 3 and aathhr get married livv on fox45 morning news this friday. 3 42 million people have this problem on their credii report! report!errorr!who you needdto & contact if you find one..and -33 how long it could take.. to probllm. yyu''e watching fox 45 morning news.. - 3 ((break 2)) &
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[ male announcer ] what's in a can of del monte green beans? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ grown in america. picked and packed at the peak of ripeness. the same essential nutrients as fresh. del monte. bursting with life. i'm drinkin' dunkin' k-cup packs. it's my coffee when i want it. you press a button you have great dunkin' coffee. i got my coffee for the morning, i got my dunkin' k-cup packs for the rest of the day. only available at dunkin' donuts restaurants. america runs on dunkin' coffee.
7:19 am
3- 3 we are following breaking news this morninn... of a murder- suicide in
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the incident this morning on 36th avenuu... &pright off tteeuniverrity oo maryland campus..olice say three roommaaes live here... and when two of them wenn tt & investigate a fire in the basement... the third roommate shot them.we're now -3 learniig... the susppct was a student at maryland... and all three were of them died... the other is at the lifethreatening injuriie..- police say the shhooer then pent into the backyard nd shot himsslf.we will update you with the latest... as more details come iito our newsroom. p3 3 as any as 42 million -3 americans have errorr in their creeit report.that'' aacording to the federal trade commissiin.... they studied reports from three major agencies -- equifax, experian pnd trans-union.... and found 20 miillon have significantt & mistakks.... some that couldd cost you money or keep you & from getting a mmrrgagg or &pcaa loan.if yoo find an errorr staat by onnacting the
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coosumer reporting company that compilld the reportt they're required too 3 and... accordinn to -s-n see these businesses in seven -3 years... because they're -3 they are viieo game store... gamestop.daily deal site.... groupon.commuter company ... 3& shack.and department tore....searss 3 support a good cause while &pphoppinn.the shops of ruxton station is donating a portion -3 of your proceeds o a good cause. cause. 3 emily gracey is streaaiig now for this mornings hometown hotspot.- tell us abouu the pvent?- why was i importtnt to host an event likeethis?- hat &pare somethings that re on sale? 3 3&pshhp in the name
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3 of llve is february 13th 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the statton. tt learn more log ballimore dot om 3 440-buccs... could
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3 400-bucks... could be yours.. & in about 10 minuues! minutes!another ame will be drawn out of our box for our freebbuary contest..ooget your pame inntheebox...just head to ourrfacebook page. page.and need an extennion for - your taxes?tte forms yyu need to fill you're wwtching foxx44 morning nees.. all local.. aal morring.
7:25 am
s things fun. sometimes she lets us pick out stuff we love, like sunnyd. she likes that it has 40% less sugar than most regular soda brands. we just love the taste. ♪ make today a sunny day. ♪♪ this is so sick! i can't believe your mom let you take her car out. this is awesome! whoooo!
7:26 am
you're crazy. go faster! go faster! go faster! go faster! no! stop...stop... (mom) i raised my son to be careful... hi, sweetie. hi, mom. (mom) but just to be safe... i got a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. ((bump in)) 3&p donn' put it off to the last minute! - start getting your taxes &ptogether now. evvn if some extra time tt pay what you owe .. ii's stiil good to get your taxes done. teddy priooeau .. teedy hee taxman ... joinn us ith tips for getting tax extensions .. and installment plans.-who
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get hem
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3 -how do insttllment plans work -how can ouusettle for less 3 3 than you owe 3 3 get that diallng finger rraay!! paaeeand it could be yours! youure juut about 2 minutes &pawwy!headdto our facebook page -3 to enter and readdthe ules. &p3 ((break )) reducing sodium in yourrdiet. the impresssive way itt already saving lives. on fox -3 45 news at fiie.
7:30 am
happy valentine's day. i never knew he liked me. we'd have to keep it quiet. or we could just tell h.r. happy valentine's day. it would never work. try the new brownie batter donut. get any six donuts for $3.99. america runs on dunkin'.
7:31 am
she's in a meeting, could you call back in 15? -- not now. nope, no. sorry, love to but can't. i'm sorry, she's very busy. enjoy the rich taste of dunkin' mocha lattes and coffees. now in dark chocolate. indulge in one today. america runs on dunkin'. &&p3-- 3 3 -3 3 it's oor free-bru-ary giveaway! giveaway!every day in february we're givinn away 100- dollars an hour. -3 hour.óóóóóóóyou have 30
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3 minutes to call us attthe nummer on yoor screen. screen.if you don'ttcall n.. your prize rolls ooerrinto the next hour forrssmeoneeelse to win! 33 boo.. go to facebook ddt com slash foxbaltimore and fill out the can also go there toorrad ccmplete ccntest rules..--3 3 3 rules.complete contest there to read complete contest rules.
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3 3&p &&p3 3 3 395 map
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7:35 am
3 &p 3 3& we are following breaking news this morning....of a murder- -3&psuuiideein college park.'re looking at the house.. where police say the - incident happened pust after 1 o'ccock this morning on 36th avenue... 3 maryland ccmpus.police say -3 thrre roommates live here... &pand when two of them wwnt to investigate a fire in thh -3 shottthem.we'reenow
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3 psudent at maryllnd... aad all three were of them &pdiedd.. the other is at the hospital with non- lifeehheateenng injuries. police ssy the shooter then - wwnttiito the baakyard and phot himself.we will update you with the latest... as more detailsscomeeinto our newsroom. 3 police say a woman found dead house ffre... was murdered. &pthis morning... an arrest hhs -3&pbeen made.megan giililand is at the crime scene with morr on the suspecced killer andd how tte two knew each other. & ooher.
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3- 3 the mayorrlays out her plln...
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- to avoid sending baltimore ovee its own iscal cliff. cliif.a report released last week warned that the city 3 dollars in deficits over tte next ten ears... unless & politicians cut costs and address... mayor stephanie rawlings-blake prrmised major to void any future problems. she proposed changinggthe --3 retireeent plan for all ciiy - and firefighhers.she says thhe 3 are tooobig a buuddnnon the city's budget. 3 < "baltimore's pension systemm 3& ooly large system in maryland that doesnnt rrquire any -3 emmllyee contribution. that must change."> change.">the mayor also plann to reduccethe city's worrforce by ten perccnt ovee the next ddcade...and shees considering a new storr water fee... and a new trash pickup fee... to raise revenuees 3 tonight... president obbma deliverrshis state of the term in office.he's expected to focus on pocketbook iisues...
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like grooing the econooy, jobs, and eduuatioo. florida senator marro rubio is slated to delivee the repuulican response. 3 ttat bringssus to our question &ptte president says uuing his sttte of teeunion address? phone lines are open now.. thh number to 3 call... 410-481--445. 3 we've had plenny of & tuesday"? mardi grrs begins today, and mardi pras begins today, aad joel d. smith is live in havre de for celebration that's becoming a maryland traditionn good morning joel d......-3 3 &p3
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3&pa nice start to your day! day!thhs s a livellok of the inner harbor.wwen you can eepect....rain to hit yoor neighhorhood...nexx in your skywatchhweether orecast. forecast. you're watchinggfox 45 morrinn ewss. 3& p(break 5))
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3 3 ((bump in)) mmteorologist)) 3 3 3
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- 3 3 the president givvs his sscond & stateeof the union addresssttnight. toniiht.expected topics are the economy anddeducationn education.but what do you hopee the preeident says during his state of the unioo address?our phoneelines are pen nnw.. 410- 441-4555.3 you're waachinggfox
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hey, what are you drinking? i'm drinking dunkin'. i'm drinking dunkin'.
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i'm just in love with the flavor. i get mine black. i don't want to take away from that pure taste. so smooth, no bitterness. it's awesome. there's no other taste like it. america runs on dunkin' coffee. 3 3((questton of daa aaimation)) 3 whaa wooud ou like to hear from the president tonight in his sttte of the union address? & address?that brings us to oor question of the day.our phone lines are open now.. 410- 481-4545.
7:51 am
3 3 tiffany- i hope he chris- annapplis pnnapolischris- annaaolii annapolis 3 ttffany- i hope he 3 addressee the fact thaa he didn't cceate the problems we - have and hat to clean it uu he will need the help of prooises..i love my pressdent!" let ya knoww" mary cool... where are you? you?you have about 11 minutee -3 po call and claim your 400-
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dollars.don't lose hope.. our 8 o'clokk hour. news.. all local.. all morning.
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3 p3
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-3& 33 coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. mary cool.. you have -3 just about 3 threeeminutes... call us!if sheedoesn't... that jackpot goes up to 500-dollarss & ssay tuneddfor your ue to &pcall! ou're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning.
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8:00 am
3 a murder-suicide near the university of maryland.what policeesay lead to the shootinn... and the suspect's & connection to the school. 3 you kind of alreedy knew it. but what a nee study shows about juss áhowá dishonest.. -33 used ar salesmen are... and ake sure you get
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pour money's worth. &p3 and... put your nnmeeon the map.what ou need to do to nameeone of pluto's moons. p 3 tuesday, febrrary 12th 3 p3 3
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3 &p3 we are following breaking news this morning... of a murder- suicide in &'re looking at the houue.. wwereepolice say tte & jjst after 1 o'clook thhi & morning on 36th avenue... right off the universityyoff maryland campus.policeesay 3 and when two of them went to investigate a fireein the basement... thee hirr roommate leaaningg.. the suspect was student at maryland....and all three weee of them hospital with non- lifethreatening injuries. police ssy the shooter then - went ntoothe
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accyarddand shot himself.we will update pou with the latest... as more & details come into our newsroom. 3 baltimore city poliie make an arrest after a woomn is found dead in aahouse fire.police say shh wws murdered. murdered.tom rodgersshhs more on the suspected iiler and victtm... along with your other top tories. sstries..- 3 police found the bodyyoo - peenifer conyers nside a chhrred home on hiih gate driveeat sulgrave avenue.they &pbelieve she wws killed by monte carter. on an online datinn website monnhs ago.conyers was an hhi- v outreach worker with the city's heelth departmenn. ut her accused kkiler... issa man with a ccimiial history.... phat according to online court records... icludes burglary, drug anddtheft, 3 pecond deggee murder..- 3 (guglielmi) "" mean, i don't know what else to call him, pbsolutely egregious murddr off -3& sommone who dedicated hhe life
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ssrachan/neighbor))"it doesn't matter ii we knew her or not, ssmebody died... and it wasn't like it was natural causes.. somebody actually murdered her." her."policeefound 32-year old conyerss...tiid p with eleettical cords and tape.. investigaaors say she was beateenand dragged into the basemenn.deeectivvs believe carter stole herrcar and a-t-m card... and set thh house on fire.onnsaturday... pplice & baltimore drrviig conyee's white mustang.when they caught & 3 a five day cruise to the caribbean turns into a disaster foo passenggrs on boarr after a fire left thee 3 3 over the weekend the carnival cruise ship caught fire in the ship's engine - room.... leaving more than - thousand people ssuck at sea. the fire was & exttnguished quickly... butt &ppassengers say the conditioos of he ship wre far from ideal. - 3 she was crying and stuff and said they have no power, they have noorunning waterr ttey have no way to use tte bathroom. bathroom. other
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pnn supplies. the phii is now being towed to & alabama. 3 a new eport reveals that 3 aaen't always honest.vehicle history site car fax" claims more than million un- 3 were up for sale online last year. expprts reeommeed checcing online databases for safety issues. 3 ravens fann still ridinn that super bowl igh can feel the magic of that new orleens game a little bit longer. but you don't have to go baak &ppo the bayou to experience mardi graa.... 3 joel d. smith is streaaing now in havre de prace to sse ow that town is own when it comes to at tueeday. good mornnnn joel d...... why mardi gras in havre de grace??- grrce? 3-3 3 3 3 3 3
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3 p3 3 have you 3 ever wanteddto name a planet? ell now's your chancc to do the next bess thing. 3 the seti- instiiute -3 is aaking for the public's help in naming two recently - discovered oons orbbting & planet pluuo. 3 people are encouraged to ubmit ideas for names toothh interratiinal astronomic union.... which makes the final decisions on naming starr aad planets. to enter... go o pllto rocks dot com. - 3&&pcoming up...
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just as important asstte orkout... can be the cool down..- doww.the imporraat way to end -&pyour exerciss routine. 3 youure watching fox 45 mmrning news.. all local.. all morninn. 3 ((bump oot))
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(((reak 1)) 3 & 3show your love for a local pharity while shopping at a local store.the shops of ruxton station ii donating a -3 portion of your proceeds to a good cause. cause.eeily gracey is streammng now or thiss 3 tell us about the event?- why was i important to host an eeent like this?- what are somethings that are on sale? sale? p3 shop in tte namee
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3& oo love is wednesday februaay 13th 10:00 a.m. - 8:000p.m. at the shops of ruxton ssation. to learn more loo on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning.
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3 3 3
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3 3married thii friday... and yoo get to decide the etails of thhir wedding! wedding!it's our wedddng in a & week contest.starting t 9 this morning... go t our websiie foo balttmooe dot com to vote for wwich bouquet our bride eriia wwil arryyddwn the aisle. aisle.and yoo can... watch... eeica and arttuu
8:18 am
mmrried... liiee.. on... foo45 morning nnws this fridayy.- coming up... homemade gifts... thht will whet your sweetheart'ssappetitee appetite. the baked goodd... -3 thht can give yyor valennine's celebration a personalltouch. 3 ppuu... what to do... áafteeá you workout.the easy....and saaeeways... to cool own.yoo're watchhng fox 45 morning news.. all local..
8:19 am
i got it when we could download an hd movie in like two minutes. [ male announcer ] once you've got verizon fios internet, you get it the difference 100% fiber optics makes. but don't take our word for it ask a real fios customer. ask me about the upload speeds. they're sick! [ male announcer ] so go online today and send a tweet to a real fios customer and they'll tell you themselves just how amazing fios really is. [ female announcer ] supercharge your internet speeds and see for yourself. switch to fios triple play online for just $94.99 a month and we'll triple your speed for free with an upgrade to fios quantum internet. plus, get $250 back with a 2-year agreement. or, get the free upgrade and great price with no annual contract. unlike cable, fios is a 100% fiber optic network. that's why it can deliver the top ranked internet in the nation with unlimited internet usage and our worry-free guarantee. visit today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities and experience the incredible difference at 800-974-6006 tty/v. of america's fastest, most consistent most reliable internet: verizon fios.
8:20 am
((break 2)))- 3 ((bump in)) 3 affer yyur worrout ... you have to reeooer.danny lee from gold's gym joins us this morning to give us tips onn pow to recover after a good workout. ood morning...- how - should we reeover?
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3&p- ow often
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3 should we work out different muscle groups?- what is a gooo innbetween workout exercise?
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exerciss? -3 3 do you haveequustions abbot &pyour workkut? danny lee is baltimore to show us few ew exercises and annwer your questions.mmantime, you can & puestion on oor facebook page. coming up... we're getting 3 contest.stay tuned for you &pchance to wwn enter the contest... heed to & facebook dot com slash fox - balttmore. 3 save some money... and &ppo-it-yourself this valentine's day..heesweet treats anyone can make at home. you're waaching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all & morning.
8:24 am
she makes things fun. she can be silly, which embarrasses my sister, but i love it. sometimes she lets us pick out stuff we love, like sunnyd. she likes that it has vitamin c, b1, and 40% less sugar than most regular soda brands. my brother doesn't care about that. he just loves the taste. so do i. ♪ make today a sunny day. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ oh-oh-oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ sometimes ♪ ♪ i get a good feeling ♪ ♪ yeah
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♪ ♪ get a feeling that i never never, never, never had before ♪ ♪ no, no, i get a good feeling ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] all this... only on royal caribbean. ♪ ♪ book by february 15th and get up to $400 to spend onboard. call 1-800-royal-caribbean today. 3 ((break 3)) -33 p33&p((bump in))
8:26 am
3 pake some sweets for your hours away and we want to giieepou some cute last minute pnjoy. latosha williams from 3 this morning with more. - what -3 do you have 3 here or vallntinns day?- what can we do
8:27 am
3at home for last
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3 mintue gifts?offer? offer? ,3 to leaannmmre og on to fox baltimore dot com slash morninn. after treating yourself to someevalentine's day sweets... &pwhy not heck ut our b--ore & heallhy expo? expo?yyu can ggt health screenings... see 3 stagessof ááiveá entertainmenn... a fit -and fun kids zooe... anddmuch
8:29 am
saturday, february 23rd... at the altiiore ccnvention center.we'll seeeyou there! 3 cominn uu... taking -3 aadantage... ooftax breeks. breaks.hoo maaylanners can buy new aapliances... and still saae some monee. 3 you're watching fox 45 mooning news.. all local.. all 3 ((breek 4))
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3 -33&p((open)) 3 33 it's our free-bru- 3& ary iveaway! giveawaa!everyyay in february we're ivvnn away 100- dollars an hour.
8:32 am
minutes to call ussat the number on our screen. screen. 3 if yyu don't call in.. yyur prizeerolls over into theennxt & hour for omeone else o wwn! win!to get your name in thh box.. go o facebook ot com gg ,3 there tooread complete contess rulee. 3
8:33 am
3 3
8:34 am
33 395 175 3 33 we areefollowinggbreaaing news out offnorthwess baltimore... where a female cuutodian is attackkd t gynns falls eleeentary. happeeed assshe -3 opened the sshool just after 6 this morning.she was hit i
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the head and wasstaken to tte hospital with on-llfe 3 hearing ttat the school is still open today but some - streets aae still blocked off. we have a crew on the way oo the scene ann wiil bring you more innoomation as sooo as it &pbecomes available. 3 alsoobreaking this morning... we are continuing to folllw a murder- suicide in college're looking at the house.. whereepolice ayy the inciient happened just after 11o'ccock this morning on 36th avenue... right off the universityyof maarland campus.police say & three roommates livv here... -3 and when two of them wwnt too investigaae fire in tte 3 shot them.we're now learning... the suspect was student at maryland... and all threeewere of them - died... the other is attthe & hospitallwith non- lifethreatennng iijuries. -3 pplice say the shooter then shot himself.we will uudate you with the latest... as more details come into our newsroomm3 policc ay a woman found dead
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inside a northwest baltimore house fire... was mmrdered.been made. made.tom rodgees has more onn tte suspecttd killer and how alonggwith your other top storres. alerted by tte fire department - of a uspicious death... - inside a home n hiih gate drrve at ulgrave avenue. avenuu.on friday... officcrss found 32-year old jennifer conyers inssde the charred homm... tiid p wiih plectrical coods and tappe. pnvestigators say she was beaten ann dragged into the basement... and muudered byy & montt carter.he's also accused f ssealing her car ann a-t-m card and sstting the ouse on - fire.on saturddy... pplice say ttey potted carter in westt paltimore ddiving ccnyer's whiteemmstang.when they caught up witthhim... he was (gugliilli) "he aamitted o parryiig withha friind and abusing drugs... taking ms. & conyerr' pprsonal efffcts."
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through an online datinn website months ago.conners was pn h-i-v utreach workerrwith - the citt's health deeartmeett she was 322yyars-old.according to online coort records... carter has priors... including burglary, ddug and theff charges.ttissmorninn, he'' beinggheld ithhuttbondd... facing first andd econd degree &pmurder and robbbey. 3 the mayor ays out her pllnn.. tooaaoid sending baltimore cliff.a report rellased last could rack up 750-million ddllars in deficits over the next ten years... unlesss politicians cut costs and raise revenues.yesterddy... during hee "ssatt of the ccty" address... mayor stephaniee - pawlings-blakk prooised major & ccangee to theecity'ssfinances &pto void anyyfuture poblems. she prrposed changinggthh rrtirement plan forrall city porkers... includdng poliie 3 cost of outdated bbnefits... are too bigga buuden on the city's budgett 3 the comptroller iisrreinding 3 bbeaks... ttat can help them pave ome applies to
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-3&penergy star home appliances. 3 februaayy11th....qualifyyigg &pitems will be exempt from maryland's six perccet sales thh econooy and the environment.itt epires att midnight on mmndayy february 3 3 we've haddplenty of - purppe fridays.....soohow do we celebratee"fat tuesday"? puesday"? mardd gras ndss ttday, and joel d. smith is &pgrrce where they're preparing 3 becoming a maryland tradition.. & d.. 3 3 3 -
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3 3 commng up... beyonce gees personnl. personal.thh rumors she's pnterview. &youure watching fox 44 morning 3 mmrning. sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this.
8:41 am
you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home.
8:42 am
sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home. 3& p3 3 3-
8:43 am
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3 -3 3 3 coming p... flex yoou & kitchen.we're getting eady to brrng youu nother delicious dish... from tratford. 33 "i've never experrencee - pnythhng
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like this beeore in my life." liff."and nnw aa 9... an owl s-u-v.but it'sshow it ágott therr... that's even morr interesting.we'll ell you what happened... just minutes watcciig foxx45 orninggnees.. all local.. all morning. for over 75 years people money with... ohhh... ...with geico... ohhh...sorry! director's voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so.... director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 years...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable laughter). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years. gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me.
8:48 am
new honey bunches of oats greek yogurt and whole grain. here we go. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek.
8:49 am
((break 6)) 3 ((bump in)) 3 who needs lobster anddsteak for vallntines day...keep it -&psimppe aad make a bratwurst. chef gregory hare from stratford joins us ttis mornnig with moree - how can 3 - how long should
8:50 am
8:51 am
we cook it?-what hould we serve with ii? 3 to learn more log on toofox baatimore dot com slash mooning. &p3 cominggup... violating the dressscode... at the grammys. grammys.the stars who pusshd phe envvlope on the red carpet. 3 aad new at 9... the big
8:52 am
this year's westminstee dog show.youure watching fox 45 - morning nees.. aal local.. all &pmmrning. 3 ((break 7))
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8:54 am
a reserved mega star opens up.. peunion. and some stars push an awardssshhw dress code to the's abloid tueeday. -3 brandi is eeeewith more... p3
8:55 am
beyonce has been everywhere that she end up on tte cover pf vogue magazine..///take & vo///now she's overr30 aad a mother shh seems a loot ooe comfortable with shaaing whh - she is.. in this aaticle she tellssii all... she gushess about motherhood and how ponnncted shh's been to er - herrhbo ocuuentaryyaaso gives & s a rareeglimmse into her world.. and t wiil silencc the rumorr bout whether r rrmors..... that one s more admits to eading innernet artiiles about heereef...but -3&nnyyayers dont waster your & time.. she says she never reads the ccmments her neww -3 pabum iss
8:56 am
3&pcoming out soon... and hee & showwsoll out worldwide in minutes!!!!she added a nnw po urprise here... 3 phile rihanna hit the red she found her seat next ot her flameechrissbroon! theyre juss not hidinn ii anymore... they are all in... - and smoked and leet togetter she forgiven and forgot.... 3 tongues were wagging aa somm stars hit the stageeat the awardssshow... get thhs theree & was actually a rrss code that some ssars pushed the envelope oon.. 3 firsstjlo... ittwas uperr fab.. they were saying she
8:57 am
say sheeshowee angelinaajolie how showing llg is done.... kklly rowland whoo.fabbu-llus kellyysaid, i thought about aabut i again and that's about it!!!rihannn clearly pinored the "please avoid 3part of the meeo.aliciaakeyys was on fire sse was also in & violation... the memo saad &p"bare ssdes or uuder curvature of the brrasss is aaso problematic,""here was aaso some weerd not n hhre about not hooinggpuffyyskii that all hh stars and stylistss 3 aad happy birthddy to ennifer aniston!!!the actress bllwwout aawhopping 44 candles -3 yesterday!the aatress worked on her ig day..she's filming p new movve in connecticut but pays she didn't mind spending looks good on hhr...
8:58 am
coming uppon good day -3 baltiiore....cceek your frrezer.... 3 the dangerous problem being 3 puisine meals... and wwat tt & o if you bought're -3watching fox 5 morring news.. -3 all local.. aal morning.
8:59 am
she makes things fun. she can be silly, which embarrasses my sister, but i love it. sometimes she lets us pick out stuff we love, like sunnyd. she likes that it has vitamin c, b1, and 40% less sugar than most regular soda brands. my brother doesn't care about that. he just loves the taste. so do i. ♪ make today a sunny day. ♪♪


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